Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Imagine a world without animals. What can you do about it?

Let me live:Endangered Bengal Tiger

A hundred years from now, imagine a world without animals. Scary, isn't it?

Well, all of us might be aware of the number of Tigers on the brink in our country.

As tigers are at the pinnacle of food chain, their disappearance will take down the entire ecosystem that sustains and nourishes us. Of late, climatic changes and human exploitation have been identified as major threats to animal life and have caused many species to become extinct. Endangered species are those that are close to extinction.

Top ten

The top ten endangered species in the world are: the Black Rhino, Giant Panda, Bengal Tiger, Beluga Sturgeon, Green Checked Parrots, Mako Shark, Turtles, Golden seal, and Lion-tailed Macaque.

Extinction can be of two types: Direct Extinction and Indirect Extinction.

Direct extinction includes hunting, capturing and poaching while indirect extinction happens when a species cannot adjust itself to the climatic changes and they decline in numbers gradually over a period of years.

The case of dinosaurs is the most well-known example of natural extinction. Also, “Dodo”, if you remember, is a turkey sized-flightless pigeon that has become a symbol of extinction in the past few years.


Turtle ranks number one among endangered pets. Hawksbill turtle and Alligator Snapping turtle are the species that are close to extinction among the types of turtles. Panda has also been added to the list of endangered pets as they find it difficult to adjust to climate change and the destruction of their natural habitat is one of the main reasons. But, we can find a way out of this problem in order to conserve the animals.

Therefore, conservation of animals and their natural habitat is as important to us as our lives because the entire food chain and ecosystem depend on the animals and if they are safe, so are we.

So do your part in conserving animals. Starting from now!

Act now to save animals

Join organisations that save animals.

Don't buy products that contain animal ingredients such as fur, ivory and tortoiseshell.

Buy recycled paper and save paper to help conserve forested habitats.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Replace existing harmful practices and deeply ingrained beliefs with a culture that embraces the five animal freedoms as standard of animal care.
()Freedom of thirst, hunger and malnutrition – through ready access to fresh water and a diet to maintain full health and vigour.
()Freedom from discomfort – by providing a suitable environment including shelter and a comfortable resting area.
()Freedom from pain, injury and disease – by prevention or rapid diagnosis and treatment.
()Freedom to express normal behaviour – by providing sufficient space, proper facilities and company of the animal’s own kind.
()Freedom from fear and distress – by ensuring conditions which avoid mental suffering.

Have you ever thought about whose skin you're wearing? Think about it. If you've bought anything you could be wearing dog, cat, mink, cow, snake or raccoon, and that's just a few species of the victims.

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Please don't use leather accessories…
We have no right to kill animals to make fashion statement!
Remember…Killing will stop only when demand declines!!!
Please send this to as many people as you know…
They are crying for help…..Lets help them survive!!!